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First Trip in the New Camper

by Shannon Gillette on March 11, 2022

So we took the new camper out this weekend for the first time.  We camped at an RV park near Lake Texhoma on the Texas Oklahoma Boarder.

What went wrong:

We bought the camper at the end of 2021 and within days of us getting it home we had freezing weather.  Although we were assured by the RV dealership that the camper had been fully winterized, we were still concerned.  And we were correct.  We (and by we I mean by wonderful husband) got us plugged in, the sewer connected and then hooked up the water.  The minute we stepped in the camper we heard gushing water.  There was a leak in the bathroom somewhere.

Water leak under the bathroom sink

As you know, there is nothing easy about gaining access to anything in a camper.  The panel directly under the bathroom sink cabinet screws in, not a problem.  The leak, however, was to the left behind a panel that was stapled, not screwed.  But we (again my we...my hubs) removed the panel and was able to fix the problem.

So, note to self, keep extra towels in the camper...you never know

What went right:

The rest of the trip was fantastic.  We did a little geocaching.  The first one was rougher terrain than expected, but we found it!  So fun

1st geocache

We did another geocache in the Willis, OK cemetery of all places.  It was a much easier find and a way cool old cemetery.  Several graves dating back in the 1800s.  I am a history nut, so the coolest marker I found was that of Gov B F Overton.  He was the Governor of the Chickasaw Nation in the late1870s and early 1880s.

Marker of Governor B F Overton

Then it was time to do some fishing.

Found a neat little mom and pop bait store.  Those are the best.  They had a little bit of everything.  From crawdads to tadpoles and everything in between.

bait store

There were four people fishing.  But the only things caught were a large drum fish which we threw back and a fish carcass...that my husband managed to catch...twice.  It's a special talent.

All in all it was a great trip.  Until the new camper we have always been tent campers, so this was a new experience.  We didn't love the RV park where we stayed.  Trying a different on in a couple of weeks.  We will let you know how that adventure goes.